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Поговорим о Дивье/Lets Talk About Divya

Дивья: Ваше мнение о ней Как давно вы её полюбили? До обидного мало она была с нами И вела за собой в мир любви и добра Вдруг погасла, горящая под небесами Яркая, необычная чудо-звезда Беспощадно её забрала смерть у нас Хотя память и смерти не победить А её будет помнить каждый из нас Разве можно её вот так взять и забыть? Там, на небе горит она яркой звездой И – пока её помнят, она будет жить!

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divyafan: Мне она не нравится вообще. У нее что-то пошлое , которое у Дивьи никогда не было. А о красоте и говорить не стоит...

LoveDivya: Sonali пишет: If that says 'she never looks like Divya' then i have to agree.. she looks as much like divya as a earthworm looks like rekha lol yes, Shilpa asked if I can put up another pic of her because on the previous one she doesn't look like Divya, and I said then she never looks like her. This Kainaat exposes all the time for some reason.. I mean it's not like that's gonna help her much to get into the industry...

LoveDivya: divyafan Я тоже так думаю.

divyafan: Зто они (новое поколение актрис и моделов) странным образом хотят заполучить быструю популярность, потому что видимо лишены настоящим талантом и обаянием...

Sonali: LoveDivya пишет: doesn't look like Divya No-one looks like Divya yet.. doubt anyone will

divyafan: Sonali пишет: No-one looks like Divya yet.. doubt anyone will You're quite right, Sonali!

LoveDivya: divyafan I have asked some of Divya's fans who live in India about their situation, i.e. if it is possible for them to get Divya's rare pics and clips, etc. They have told me that these days, they sell there only cards and posters of new actresses... the only thing they find of Divya are some Hindi movies.. which are all online now too... They also said to me that they saw more pics of Divya on internet than they've ever seen in real in India....

Shilpa: Ой,девочки,какая она не приятная!!! А нос какой у нее огромный!Ужас!!!

LoveDivya: Shilpa пишет: Ой,девочки,какая она не приятная! LOL Она правда не хорошая .... я в Гугле видела ее фотографие... она всегда какта голая ... мне не нравится вообще

divyafan: LoveDivya пишет: the only thing they find of Divya are some Hindi movies.. which are all online now too. wow! I'm soooo sad, because I want sooooo much to watch Tholi Muddhu, Naa Ille Naa Swargam and Nila Panne. LoveDivya пишет: They also said to me that they saw more pics of Divya on internet than they've ever seen in real in India.... Oh, you broke my heart!..

LoveDivya: divyafan пишет: and Nila Panne. You didn't see that one? I have this movie.. If you want, I can upload it on YouTube .. divyafan пишет: Oh, you broke my heart! I'm sorry for this..

divyafan: LoveDivya пишет: You didn't see that one? I have this movie.. If you want, I can upload it on YouTube .. Yes, I'd like, because I've started to watche it, but I couldn't succeed to watch it whole. LoveDivya, if you have it as whole file, is it possible to send it to me useing this site: http://passport.yandex.ru I'll be really very thankful to you.

LoveDivya: divyafan пишет: if you have it as whole file Unfortunately, I don't. I have it only in 6 parts. I uploaded it last night on youtube, so you can watch there :) Here is part 1... you can find the other 5 parts on my channel too here

divyafan: LoveDivya, спасибо большое!!!


LoveDivya: I miss her....

divyafan: I remember of her very oftenly, too.


LoveDivya: Me and some other fans of Divya have created this fan page for her on Facebook Divya Bharti Facebook Fan page

divyafan: Thank you!

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