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Обсудим фильмы с Дивьей/Talking About Divya's Movies - 1

Дивья: Какие фильмы с Дивьей вы видели? В каком фильме вы увидели её впервые? Ваши отзывы о фильмах которые вы видели!

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Chameli: LoveDivya пишет: All the very rare clips of Divya were uploaded by his wife. Oh, you mean Faina, right? I wonder why they delete the clips.

divyafan: LoveDivya пишет: I have no idea why.. he had some other clips uploaded of some actresses talking about Divya.. but he deleted them as well after some time. So pity! Someone have these clips to share with us?

LoveDivya: Chameli пишет: Oh, you mean Faina, right? I wonder why they delete the clips. Yepp, exactly. Me too wondering.. and also why they have to put their names sooo fat on the clip that you can't even see Divya properly... I mean it's okay if they put their name on it but it really doesn't have to cover 90% of the clip...

Chameli: LoveDivya пишет: put their names sooo fat on the clip that you can't even see Divya properly... I mean it's okay if they put their name on it but it really doesn't have to cover 90% of the clip... Yeah, that really annoyed me too. Faina said her husband did it, not her. Maybe because they don't want anyone else to reupload? I don't know.

divyafan: LoveDivya пишет: Yepp, exactly. Me too wondering.. and also why they have to put their names sooo fat on the clip that you can't even see Divya properly... I mean it's okay if they put their name on it but it really doesn't have to cover 90% of the clip... May be because of the rights.

Chameli: divyafan пишет: Someone have these clips to share with us? This is her channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Unknown090981999

divyafan: Chameli пишет: This is her channel Thank you Chameli!

Chameli: divyafan пишет: Thank you Chameli! You're welcome! She does have some nice clips.

LoveDivya: Chameli пишет: Yeah, that really annoyed me too. Faina said her husband did it, not her. Maybe because they don't want anyone else to reupload? I don't know. Yes, it's because they don't want anyone to reupload, but people still do that. Their videos are still reuploaded a dozen times regardless of this big pinkish Faya on it.

divyafan: LoveDivya пишет: Yes, it's because they don't want anyone to reupload, but people still do that. Their videos are still reuploaded a dozen times regardless of this big pinkish Faya on it. I can't understand why people do not want to share?! Let's all fans of Divya enjoy the stuff with her. I saw how many sites, forums, blogs, etc. disappeared and thanks these reuplouds now many people know about Divya, remember her and enjoy some time with her through her clips, movies, photoes,.. even all this made from us a special community of fans.

Chameli: Yeah, that's true. I wonder if they'll upload any more clips of Divya.

divyafan: Lets hope.

LoveDivya: divyafan пишет: I can't understand why people do not want to share?! I agree. You know, I wish all people would think like you. It's just that people, first of all Divya's Indian fans, are b*st*rds most of the time..

Chameli: divyafan пишет: I can't understand why people do not want to share?! Let's all fans of Divya enjoy the stuff with her. I agree. Sharing is caring :)

divyafan: LoveDivya пишет: first of all Divya's Indian fans, are b*st*rds most of the time.. Do you remember the first site dedicated to Divya? It was made by her Indian fan who lives in USA, but it seems he don't have enought time or is too lazy to share the other stuff from his big collection. Nevertheless he did great job started this sharing and keeping alive her memory! You can see now how many sites and stuff are in Internet, how many people remember about her and her creative work.

Chameli: divyafan пишет: You can see now how many sites and stuff are in Internet, how many people remember about her and her creative work. I also like Divya Bharti's Portal. It's a really great site but they barely update sometimes.

divyafan: And is it possible that Divya's Indian fans are still afraid to talk about her and that's why do not want to share what they have? I'm really curious what's the reason?! Or she do not have faithful fans in India?

divyafan: Chameli пишет: I also like Divya Bharti's Portal. It's a really great site but they barely update sometimes. In fact Divya Bharti's Portal is not interesting for me at all because they are a copy of this forum in different form. But it's nice to exist such site in Internet dedicated to Divya. But why I can't find something new there?! What I dislike there is the inscription "all rights reserve"!?!

Chameli: Some of her Indian fans shared apparently rare newspaper clippings about Divya on the Divya Bharti's Portal Facebook page.

Chameli: divyafan пишет: But it's nice to exist such site in Internet dedicated to Divya. But why I can't find something new there?! What I dislike there is the inscription "all rights reserve"!?! I mainly like their news and interviews of the magazine scans. Otherwise, I've seen all the pictures they post. Yeah, I don't understand that either.

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