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Обсудим фильмы с Дивьей/Talking About Divya's Movies - 1

Дивья: Какие фильмы с Дивьей вы видели? В каком фильме вы увидели её впервые? Ваши отзывы о фильмах которые вы видели!

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Chameli: LoveDivya пишет: Which guy? What's his name? I think it's something like June, I'm not sure. But when I sent the DBP admins my magazine scans, he immediately reuploaded them on his page.

divyafan: Chameli пишет: He just takes them from forums and then acts like they are his. Very precisely! It's almost ridiculous and unnecessary I think.

LoveDivya: Chameli пишет: I think it's something like June, I'm not sure. But when I sent the DBP admins my magazine scans, he immediately reuploaded them on his page. Grrrrr... I know him too well!! I don't like talking about hatred but what I feel for him is already bordering on hatred... He takes ALL pics from everyone without crediting, and then he acts like they were his pics... He was the reason in the first place why I wanted the access in this forum to be locked. He is just spreading hatred among Divya's fans.. before he came, everything was peaceful. He owns MANY accounts on FB and talks to himself with them, making it look like he was talking to his friends. Ridiculous...

divyafan: LoveDivya пишет: Ridiculous... Terrible!

Chameli: LoveDivya пишет: He takes ALL pics from everyone without crediting, and then he acts like they were his pics... Yes! It is SO annoying when he does that! And if you tell him that, he will act so rude

LoveDivya: Chameli пишет: And if you tell him that, he will act so rude Yes, exactly. Once a girl told him that she doesn't like Divya's death pics on his page and he immediately banned her. He's so stupid.... I don't know in what way poor Divya deserves such fans..

divyafan: As LoveDivya marked it's "peaceful" place where everyone can share with us his/her love and stuff of Divya.

Chameli: LoveDivya пишет: Once a girl told him that she doesn't like Divya's death pics on his page and he immediately banned her. He's so stupid.... I don't know in what way poor Divya deserves such fans.. I saw that. What an idiot he is! divyafan пишет: "peaceful" place where everyone can share with us his/her love and stuff of Divya. That's why I love this forum. Everyone is so nice and understanding. And we actually talk about Divya and discuss her movies, which is fun and interesting because I like to hear everyone's thoughts on such matters

LoveDivya: Chameli пишет: That's why I love this forum. Everyone is so nice and understanding. I agree This Forum is lovely because of the people.. Finally nice fans of Divya, and no psycho ones.

Chameli: LoveDivya пишет: This Forum is lovely because of the people.. Finally nice fans of Divya, and no psycho ones. Very true

Chameli: She had this magnetic charm when she came on screen. Like she made the movie 10 times better just by being in it :)

LoveDivya: Chameli Most of her movies were crap..lol She made them good and watchable (if that word exists); if she was not in those movies, i wouldn't have ever watched them :p films like 'Balwaan' are pure torture ... even with Divya in it, it was hard to watch it but I didn't stop coz I love her.

Chameli: Yes, I agree totally! Lol I just skip to her parts in most of them. I haven't seen Balwaan, though I heard it was terrible.

LoveDivya: I did that with her Telugu movies. I skipped them until she appeared, coz it wouldn't bring me anything if I watched them from the beginning as I don't understand the language anyways. Her Hindi films I did watch completely the first time I watched them. When I re-watch them now, I skip the beginnings coz I know them already. Balwaan is extremely eeew... It's about some bad guy whom everyone is afraid of in the village and he's like the boss, everyone listens to him, etc. but he's doing bad stuff as well, and no one stops him. Then there's Sunil Shetty who is fighting for righteousness since childhood. At his college he meets Divya and falls in love with her, she rejects him at first but then she sees what a nice person he is, helping others, etc. so she falls in love with him as well. After that the movie is all about that bad guy raping women, while Sunil Shetty beats up other bad people, and in between from time to time is Divya in some nice song..lol That's it actually. A lot of mindless violence..

divyafan: Oh, I have watched most of her Telugu movies from the biginning to the end, not only because of Divya, but to see the story and do not loose some moment with her. I don't understand the language as well, but I think the main idea of the stories could be understand. Most of all I was impressed by Assembly Rowdy. The movie is interesting and Divya has real role there. Also I think Bobbili Raja is good as well. Divya made there impressive role, too. The others couldn't catch my eyes, but it was interesting to see them, too. I dream to watch Tholi Muddhu, because it's the Telugu version of Dil, which I like very-very much. It's so interesting and exciting to watch Divya in this role.

LoveDivya: I watched Assembly Rowdy and Dharma Kshetram from the beginning to the end, all the others I watched only Divya's parts, but I still understood them very well. I too loved Assembly Rowdy , she looked so beautiful in it. But also in Dharma Kshetram.. In Bobbili Raja I was annoyed by that Raja guy with his ayo ayo ayayo... I too wana see Tholi Muddhu! I can't wait....

divyafan: LoveDivya пишет: I too wana see Tholi Muddhu! I can't wait.... Mee, too. I'm afraid that it can't be find by Internet. I hope that it's available in India or maybe in USA or UK.

LoveDivya: divyafan одна подруга уже видела Tholi Muddhu ... Она сказала что видела в Телугу Channel в телевизоры.... Дивья очень очень очень очень красивая в этом фильме ...

Chameli: Is Assembly Rowdy available online? I want to watch. Also, was Divya's voice was dubbed in some parts of Rang? Because it was her regular voice for a while but then she started sounding different and then like herself again.

LoveDivya: Chameli пишет: Is Assembly Rowdy available online? Yes, but not on YouTube. You can search it on the net though, I re-watched it some weeks back on some other site. Rang was completely dubbed. There wasn't Divya's voice.. The only movie where it was her voice for some time and then not anymore, was Geet. Before Divya couldn't sing anymore in the movie, it was her real voice. After that they dubbed her to make it seem more 'realistic' that she lost her singing voice. Shatranj & Rang + her Telugu & Tamil movies were completely dubbed by some other girl.

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